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222 lines
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222 lines
6.6 KiB
6 months ago
<base-drawer mode="bottom" :visible="" background-color="transparent" mask maskClosable @close="close">
<view class="w-full bg--w111-f5f5f5 rd-t-40rpx">
<view class="flex-around-center fs-30 nav" v-if="coupon.count">
<view v-if="coupon.count[2]" class="h-100 flex-y-center" :class="coupon.type === 2 ? 'active' : ''" @tap="setType(2)">商品券</view>
<view v-if="coupon.count[1]" class="h-100 flex-y-center" :class="coupon.type === 1 ? 'active' : ''" @tap="setType(1)">品类券</view>
<view v-if="coupon.count[0]" class="h-100 flex-y-center" :class="coupon.type === 0 ? 'active' : ''" @tap="setType(0)">通用券</view>
<view class="text-center fs-32 text--w111-333 fw-500 pt-32 relative" v-else>
<view class="w-36 h-36 rd-50-p111- flex-center close-btn" @tap="close">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_close fs-24 text--w111-666"></text>
<view class="px-20 scroll-content">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="max-height: 800rpx">
<view class="coupon-list" v-if="coupon.list.length">
<view v-for="(item, index) in coupon.list" :key="index" @tap="getCouponUser(index,">
<view class="mt-24 h-170 bg--w111-fff text-center rd-16rpx flex">
<view class="left-bg bg-gradient">
<view class="left-container w-full h-full relative flex-col flex-between-center py-32">
<baseMoney :money="item.coupon_price" symbolSize="28" integerSize="52" decimalSize="28" color="#ffffff" isCoupon v-if="item.coupon_type == 1"></baseMoney>
<view v-else class="text--w111-fff fs-52">
{{ parseFloat(item.coupon_price) / 10 }}
<text class="fs-28">折</text>
<text class="fs-24 text--w111-fff">满{{ item.use_min_price }}元可用</text>
<view class="right-box pt-24 pl-24 pr-14 pb-22 flex-1 flex-col justify-between bg--w111-fff">
<view class="flex-y-center">
<view class="fs-28 fw-500 text--w111-333 lh-40rpx line1 w-360 text-left">{{ item.title }}</view>
<view class="flex-between-center">
<view class="fs-20 text--w111-666 lh-28rpx" v-if="item.coupon_time">领取后{{ item.coupon_time }}天内可用</view>
<view class="fs-20 text--w111-666 lh-28rpx" v-else>{{ item.start_time ? item.start_time + '-' : '' }}{{ item.end_time }}</view>
<view class="con_btn bg-primary-light text-primary-con w-136 h-52 rd-28rpx fs-22 flex-center" v-if="coupon.count">
{{ item.is_use ? '去使用' : '立即领取' }}
<view class="iconfont fs-36 pr-14" :class="" v-else>
<view class="iconfont icon-a-ic_CompleteSelect font-color" :class="item.receive_type === 4 ? 'svip' : 'font-num'" v-if="item.is_use"></view>
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_unselect text--w111-ccc" v-else></view>
<view class="flex-y-center fs-20 text--w111-999 lh-28rpx mt-20">
<text>{{ item.type | typeFilter }}</text>
<view v-show="item.rule" @tap.stop="toggleRule(index)">
<text class="pl-8 fs-20">| 查看用券规则</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_downarrow fs-20 ml-4"></text>
<view class="rule-desc" v-show="item.ruleshow" v-html="item.rule"></view>
<view class="h-200"></view>
<view class="mt-28" v-else>
<emptyPage title="暂无优惠券" src="/statics/images/noCoupon.gif"></emptyPage>
import { setCouponReceive } from '@/api/api.js';
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
import baseDrawer from '@/components/tui-drawer/tui-drawer.vue';
import dayjs from '@/plugin/dayjs/dayjs.min.js';
import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue';
export default {
filters: {
dateFormat: function (value) {
return dayjs(value * 1000).format('YYYY/MM/DD');
typeFilter(val) {
let obj = {
0: '通用券',
1: '品类券',
2: '商品券',
3: '品牌券'
return obj[val];
props: {
//打开状态 0=领取优惠券,1=使用优惠券
openType: {
type: Number,
default: 0
coupon: {
type: Object,
default: function () {
return {};
components: {
data() {
return {
type: 0,
methods: {
close: function () {
this.type = 0;
getCouponUser: function (index, id) {
let that = this;
let list =;
if (list[index].is_use == true && this.openType == 0) {
that.$emit('ChangCoupons', 0);
switch (this.openType) {
case 0:
.then((res) => {
that.$emit('ChangCouponsUseState', index);
title: '领取成功'
.catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
case 1:
that.$emit('ChangCoupons', index);
setType: function (type) {
this.type = type;
this.$emit('tabCouponType', type);
toggleRule(index) {
this.$emit('ruleToggle', index);
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