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386 lines
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386 lines
7.5 KiB
<image style="width: 100%; height: 1074rpx;" src="@/static/bg (3).png"></image>
<view class="custom-navigation-bar">
<view class="left-button" @click="handleBack">
<uni-icons type="left" color="#fff" size="30"></uni-icons>
<view class="title">
{{ title }}
<view style="margin-top: -30rpx;">
<uni-row class="demo-uni-row">
<!-- <uni-col :span="2">
<uni-col :span="8">
</uni-col> -->
<uni-col :span="8">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="value" :range="array"
style="color: #fff;width:300rpx;margin-left: 30rpx;">
<view class="uni-input">{{array[value]?array[value]:'城市:请选择'}} <uni-icons type="down"
color="#fff" size="20"></uni-icons></view>
<uni-col :span="8" :offset="7">
<button class="but" @click="addjule">创建俱乐部</button>
<view class="tuxiang">
<image class="tuxiang1" src="@/static/bg (2).png"></image>
<image class="tuxiang2" src="@/static/bg (2).png"></image>
<image class="tuxiang3" src="@/static/bg (2).png"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="text1">青岛吴霖田径俱 乐部有限公司</view>
<view class="text1">青岛吴霖田径俱 乐部有限公司</view>
<view class="text1">青岛吴霖田径俱 乐部有限公司</view>
<view class="text2">
<view class="text12">南京市</view>
<view class="text12">南京市</view>
<view class="text12">南京市</view>
<view class="text3">
<view class="text13">988</view>
<view class="text132">988</view>
<view class="text133">988</view>
<view class="text4">
<view class="text14">积分</view>
<view class="text142">积分</view>
<view class="text143">积分</view>
<view class="borderbottom" style="margin-bottom: 20rpx;"></view>
<uni-row class="demo-uni-row">
<uni-col :span="8" :offset="1">
<uni-col :span="4" :offset="7">
<uni-col :span="4">
<text> 积分 </text>
<image src="../../../static/问号.png" mode="" class="imagejifn" @click="jifendetail"></image>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" background-color="#fff" border-radius="10px 10px 0 0">
<view class="guize">
<view class="guizetop">积分规则</view>
<view class="guizetext" v-for="(item,index) in 8">
<view style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
<uni-table border stripe emptyText="暂无更多数据">
<uni-tr v-for="(item, index) in tableData" :key="index" @rowClick='adds(index)'>
<uni-td>{{ }}</uni-td>
<view class="name">{{ }}</view>
<uni-td align="center">{{ item.address }}</uni-td>
export default {
data() {
return {
title: '俱乐部排行',
value: '',
range: [{
value: 0,
text: "篮球"
value: 1,
text: "足球"
value: 2,
text: "游泳"
array: ['中国', '美国', '巴西', '日本'],
tableData: [{
date: 111,
name: 222,
address: 333
}, {
date: 111,
name: 222,
address: 333
methods: {
url: "/pages/user/clubs/add/add"
adds(index) {
url: "/pages/user/clubs/detail/detail"
jifendetail() {
bindPickerChange(e) {
this.value = e.detail.value
detail() {
url: "/pages/user/notice/detail/detail"
handleBack() {
// uni.navigateBack()
url: "/pages/user/index"
toPage() {
url: "/pages/user/index"
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