You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

236 lines
4.7 KiB

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{{ title }}
<image class="topimg" src="@/static/bg (1).png" mode=""></image>
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<view class="allbut">
全部单元<uni-icons type="down" size="17"></uni-icons>
<view class="allbut1">
全部<uni-icons type="down" size="17"></uni-icons>
<!-- <view class="" v-for="(item,index) in 5" v-if="">
2023.02.27 第一单元
</view> -->
<!-- <uni-table ref="table1" emptyText="暂无更多数据">
<uni-th width="96" align="center">序号</uni-th>
<uni-th width="96" align="center">时间</uni-th>
<uni-th width="96" align="center">项目名称</uni-th>
<uni-th width="96" align="center">人数</uni-th>
<uni-th width="96" align="center">组数</uni-th>
<view class="">222222222222222222222222</view>
<uni-tr v-for="(item, index) in tableDataSc" :key="index">
<uni-td>{{ }}</uni-td>
<uni-td>{{ }}</uni-td>
<uni-td>{{ }}</uni-td>
<view class="name">{{ }}</view>
<uni-td align="center">{{ item.address }}</uni-td>
</uni-table> -->
<view class="tabletop">
<view class="tabletop1">序号</view>
<view class="tabletop2">时间</view>
<view class="tabletop3">项目名称</view>
<view class="tabletop4">人数</view>
<view class="tabletop5">组数</view>
<view v-for="(item,index) in 3" @click="chengjiList">
<view class="danyuan">
2023.02.27 第一单元
<uni-table emptyText="暂无更多数据">
<uni-td width="120" align="center">Jeson</uni-td>
<uni-td width="150" align="center">Jeson</uni-td>
<uni-td width="200" align="center">Jeson</uni-td>
<uni-td width="150" align="center">Jeson</uni-td>
<uni-td width="150" align="center">1</uni-td>
export default {
data() {
return {
title: '成绩详情'
methods: {
url: "/pages/index/competition/schedule/schedule"
record() {},
qxpop() {
tuikuan() {
detail() {
url: "/pages/user/myclub/detail/detail"
handleBack() {
toPage() {
url: "/pages/user/index"
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